
After 30 years of volunteerism and hard work by TSC members and friends, we have completed considerable accomplishment under our 5 main purposes as follows:

To research and publish Tai history and literature

a)  TSC has collected dozens of ancient Tai manuscripts from Tai people in America and overseas, including Vietnam, China, Laos and Thailand.

b) Using dot matrix computer graphics, we published 9 of those manuscripts as booklets.

c) The first English version of Tai Dam legend will be published whenever funds are available – Pou Chaou Ngou Haou or King Cobra.

d) A textbook on how to read and write the Tai Dam language is being prepared for publication whenever funds & teaching programs are available.

e) TSC and the Iowa Cultural Affairs conducted an oral history in 1988 about two Tai Dam families taking refuge in Des Moines, “So We Stay Together.”

f) A slide presentation was completed in 1992, “The Tai Dam – Nowhere To Stay.” It was a 25-minute presentation in Tai Dam, in English, and in French.

g)  TSC produced 2 karaoke albums of Tai Dam modern songs: “Tai Haang Meuang”            or “Tai Dam Lam Phan” in 2010, and “Saay Fon” or “The Rain” in 2012.

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To preserve and Tai culture

a) TSC has promoted and supported Tai Dam New Year celebrations (Lunar New Year) since 1987.

b) TSC has organized many dance troupes for social and cultural events.

c) Many traditional songs and dances have been recorded in audio and video format.

d) TSC and many other Tai Dam organizations organized “The 25th Anniversary Thaidam Freedom Festival” in 2000.

e) Two chapters of the Tai Studies Center have been founded in Thailand, in Loei (1996) and Phetbury (2002) Provinces.

Tai Museum/Art Gallery in Loei Province, Thailand
Tai Museum/Art Gallery in Loei Province, Thailand

To support students in higher education

a) TSC and Tai Concern Youth Leaders organized “Graduation Ball” from 1983 to 1989. Certificates and presents were awarded to High School and College/University graduates.

b) TSC assisted many Tai Dam students from France to obtain internships in Iowa offices and companies.

c) TSC assisted and/or hosted four Tai Dam students from Thailand for High School and College education in Iowa, 1993 to 2007.

d) TSC assisted and hosted 5 Tai Dam students from France for English language and work internship in Iowa, 1995 to 2012.

e) TSC plans to continue this project if and when opportunity allows, especially students from the Tai Country (Northwest Vietnam).

To promote the common welfare and well-being of Tai people

a) Many trips have been organized for TSC members and friends to officially visit Tai people in Northwest Vietnam (1987, 1989, 1990, & 1993), China (April 1996 & October 1996), Thailand (1989, 1990, 1993, 1996, 2000, & 2001), France and Europe (numerous times).

b) TSC and Tai Solidarity International (TSI, a coalition of Tai communities in the US, Canada, Australia & France) officially raised our concern about a massacre of 53 Tai Dam in Son La Province, Vietnam in 1993.

c) By many trips to Washington DC and New York, TSC and TSI advocated a protest against the Son La Hydroelectric Dam which is being built by Vietnam and is to be completed in 2015. Much of the Tai Country rice fields and inhabited lands will be inundated. And worse, the dams are being built on top of a massive earthquake fault.

d) June 2005, in cooperation with other minority groups of Vietnam living in the USA, TSC sent a delegation to protest Vietnam’s Prime minister Pham Van Khai asking for WTO from USA.

e) TSC is assisting Tai Veterans in America who are requesting their overdue pensions from France (Tai Federation government fought along side the French army at the Dien Bien Phu Battle in 1954). So far, six veterans received their pensions.

Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
United Nations, New York

To promote intercultural understanding in the community at large

a) TSC members have participated in many local and out-of-state organizations, especially the Asian Festival.

b) TSC has assisted Lawrence Sumulong, a Grinnell College student, doing an oral history on the Tai Veterans in Iowa.

c) TSC is now assisting Emily Grant, a Central College student, doing her internship on the United Nations work and the translation project for TSC.

d) TSC initiated and founded Tai Village Inc in 2001. All of TSC members volunteered one way or another. TSC will stay active and supportive of this special Tai Village project.